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Now boffins have discovered that homosexuals can cause cancer as well as being, frankly, distasteful.

Docktawh Gillian Keith, speaking from her underground nutrition dome said, "Ever since A hardworking family told me about it, I have been trying to cure fighting the poilce with a powerful mix of micronutrients, goji berries and spirulina."

She added "As it turns out fighting the poilce is almost completely identical to cancer, in how it affects the balance of our chakras. And everybody knows that fighting the poilce is mostly caused by homosexuals, who are known to promote a negative orgone balance in the red layer of the energy rainbow."

Of course liberal-minded multiculturalists will no doubt assume that comparing homosexuals to carcinogens is "racist", but they can’t deny the simple facts of the case. And the Mail is happy to back Gillian’s words; she gave us a fresh insight into Broken Britain by saying, "I blame all of this on stealth taxes and permissive education in the 1960s.".

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